The world of Ermesponti. Ermesponti worldwide.

ermes ponti bespoke interiors nel mondoBring our world to the world: it’s part of our everyday work.

In our world, the work of the mind and the work of the hand go nicely together.

In our world, the “design by” approach is not the preferred option, we care for the “designed for”attitude.

In our world, there are no superstar architects, but every piece of work is enriched by many talents, people who know how to work together from first sketch to the turnkey delivery.

The ermesponti method has been appreciated in many countries for many years now.

We are often seen as an ambassador of the “Italian know-how” in the field of top design and realization.

A reputation that honors us and to which we’re deeply committed.

That’s where, in the world, you can find ermesponti’s work:

    • London – UK
    • Paris, Aix en Provence – France
    • Granada, Santander – Spain
    • Amsterdam – Netherlands
    • Athens – Greece
    • Prague – Czech Republic
    • Donetsk, Odessa, Kiev – Ukraine
    • St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan, Krasnodar – Russia
    • Almaty, Astana – Kazakhstan
    • Vilnius – Lithuania
    • Istanbul – Turkey
    • Doha – Qatar
    • Dubai- UAE
    • Beirut – Lebanon
    • Minsk – Belarus
    • Yerevan – Armenia
    • New Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore – India
    • Beijing, Harbin, Shanghai, Chengdou, Shenyang, Dalian, Wenzhou, Chongqing, Shenzhen, Taiyuan, Hefei, Changsa, Suzhou, Bengbu, Wuhan – China
    • Tokyo – Japan
    • Baku – Azerbaijan
    • Toronto – Canada

To see for yourself our creations spread around the world without… travelling, just download our presentation from the link below.

Click and download ermesponti – bespoke interiors’ presentation .

Ermes Ponti Italian bespoke Interiors

We invite you to a 2015 of opening, sharing and conversation.

A new year has just begun, we’d like to start our 2015 conversation speaking of the things we love, beyond the daily tasks.

How we work, rather than what we do.

As we try to create “a culture of doing” (savoir faire), we are also trying hard to spread it and make it known, even with this blog (faire savoir).

Something that – since the Renaissance – has made Italy a special place, something in which we keep believing in.


Schermata 01-2457032 alle 10.52.45Let’s open ourselves up to foreign markets, as well as to our outstanding national culture (the Italian Factor)… 

Let’s open up to new generations and to their desire to work and learn with us.


We create value, everyday.ermes-ponti-bespoke-interiors2

There’s value in detailed processing, there’s value in project design, there’s value in relationships.

Work is made of value, all the rest is mere routine.

This year, let the value created by our minds and hands be shared, for the sake of personal and common growth.


What’s the point of being very good… alone?

The artisan shops of the Italian Renaissance have taught us – long before the social networks – how important it is to be in touch with each other, share a path and move forward together.

ermesponti bespoke interiors (mantua, italy)To do this, we believe that taking part in the online platforms of conversation allows us to confront our readers.

And that’s not just for present times, but also for the future, as these web pages are here to stay.

This, to begin with, we wish and hope for the new year, for us all.

Happy 2015!

Speaking of Art and Crafts: a book, a few thoughts and best wishes from ermes ponti for 2015.


Passionate as we are of well done work – the work of which we try every day to be Italian masters – we came across an intriguing book.

We’re talking about Costruttori di bellezza – Filosofia della calzatura maschile secondo Santoni, book published by Marsilio and dedicated to the shoes company Santoni, located in the Marche region.

We’d like to share some views on the presentation of the work and also a wish to our ecosystem, made of customers, suppliers, craftsmen,  friends and talents.

First, the storytelling of work is as important as the work itself.

We realized that  the “savoir faire” must include a “faire savoire” attitude. This, in the first place, made us like this book right away.

Secondly, nowadays it’s important to put the work of Italian companies at the center of general attention: it’s an essential support to our economy!

Let’s mention two cases, of which we’re part: Rennaissance Link and Italian Factor.

Finally, it’s time to create contacts and relationships not only for the usual activities of production and sales, but focused on relationship and networking.

And about the wish…

Simple: let all this… just come true, in a spirit of renewed confidence and renewed competitiveness of our ecosystem, because it does have the numbers to win any goal.

A Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2015 to all!