The Ten Commandments of “Crescita Felice” (Happy Growth), a book to read and… some thoughts.

morace-crescita-feliceWe’d like to finish this series of posts dedicated to Francesco Morace with a small extract from his book “Crescita Felice – Percorsi di futuro civile” (Happy Growth, referring to a way of making economy grow, in a sustainable way).

In particular we find very inspiring the “10 Commandments” for a Happy Growth, at the end the book:

  1.   Grow up on the difference, like nature does
  2.     Accept body challenge and mutual recognition
  3.     Enhance the unique encounter between people and places
  4.     Create an ethic of ties, beyond religions and ideologies
  5.     Give space to vital pragmatism beyond media
  6.     Follow the happy approches beyond exaggerated desires
  7.     Understand real life memory, beyond virtual dimension
  8.     Cultivate the sustainable trust chain
  9.     Refocus on public vision
  10.     Win back the art of making decisions

Which of these principles feel most relevant for us?

Well, while reading prof. Morace’s book it we felt very close to his whole point of view.

As a matter of fact, we’ve taken part in its Milan presentation, both in person and online with the live twitting and Storify event, and we broght back a lot of food for thought, so… here are our little thoughts, which may not be as bright as Francesco’s but… :-)

  • The concept of “Happy comsumption”, often mentioned at the presentation as well, reminds us of the ermesponti tailoring experience in which the customer is at the center of a unfogettable experience that ranges from the tailored design to the realization of its desired interior space to live

  •  The lifestyle portrait of the person who lives in a home, makes us think about point 3, where the encounter between people and places is described as “unique” 

  •  Als on the concepts of “genius plus” combined to architectural “genius loci” defines an affinity between the client and the location, pillars of our work

  • The “new zero km” concept, in ermesponti applies to the close relationship with between us and the customer, who’s fully involved both in the planning and in the production, according to the ermesponti method

  • The sustainable trust of point 8 is siomething we enjoy every day since many many years, from our clients and partners

We wish you all to enjoy such a refreshing reading, and thank you prof. Morace for inspiring us!
